28 Aug

🔥In the spring of 2007, during a championship game I made the life changing decision to play through pain, fill my groin tendons with cortisone (THAT SUCKED) and stomach full of pain killers to win. Back then doctors mis-diagnosed what appeared to be a groin tear with the real issue, a torn labrum… or was it⁉️

📆 Fast forward 15 years, mis-diagnosis after mis-diagnosis, MRI, CT scans, X-Rays, physio, chiro acupuncture on and on and on. All while giving up one sport or activity after another until lifting weights and hiking only.

👨‍⚕️ Finally what appeared to be an accurate diagnosis in 2019 showed that torn labrum hanging on by a threat and scheduled for a surgery with massive recovery time.

10 weeks on crutches and 6 months away from any form of squat below parallel. Combined with twice a week physio and lots of rest. 

🥹I went from a trim 208lbs to a soft 240lbs within two months. This was just after I spent all that time losing 65lbs a few months before to launch Hogan Health & Fitness Inc.

😳I felt defeated, beaten, old, limited and worried about coaching my sons future sports. It took almost a year to get back down to lean physique with limited exercise ability then… GUESS WHAT??? the pain never went away. Met up with my surgeon and he gave me the “Too bad so sad” speach as fast as possible to move on to the next patient. He had no solution for me. Back to square one after all that work and pain.

👨‍⚕️So… I found another elite hip specialist, he put me through allllll the scans and sat me down to say this: “Mr. Hogan, your labrum was not the problem and this was the wrong surgery for your issue. 😱. After years of beating up that damaged joint, you need a new hip but we can’t until you’re about 50 years old. So here is an injection,

Come see me for more every 6 months and lets replace this when you’re older!” 

💦I could have shed a tear right then and there after all the shit I’ve been through then he winked at me… he said “Sean, this will help!” So he injected me with a cortisone steroid mix into my deep hip joint and I felt no pain for the first time in now 17 years. 

💪Life is full of set backs and adversities isn’t it? This one felt like it would end my run as a physique coach before it really took off. Not being able to achieve that level of bod again. instead, the setbacks ignited a fire, desire, will and work ethic to push harder. We’re now in 9 countries and I have a stronger physique than ever before. 

“Success is an accumulation of failures, so embrace the set backs and learn from each occurrence!” 

Yours truly,

Coach Sean ISSA, CanFit Pro, FMS, NP

Hogan Health & Fitness Inc.

#hip #tear #injury #setbacks #success #drive #speedbump #mentalhealth

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